IRC, Classics - Les Voiles de St-Tropez - St-Tropez FRA - Day 3

Thursday, October 3, 2019   
 IRC, Classics  Les Voiles de StTropez  StTropez FRA  Day 3, lay day  today Centennial Trophy
Sun and moderate winds prevailed yesterday, lay day according to the program, but traditionally used for individual challenges. ----- Today, a Coastal Race and the 'Centennial-Trophy', dedicated to boats one hundred years and more of age, organised by Swiss Gstaad YC, will be held. ----- Cited among the favorites was the smallest boat, the 7-metre 'Endrick' (built in 1912) of Jean Degaudenzi SNG, Swiss Olympian Kiel 1972, provided the yacht is still intact after a collision two days ago. ----- The news of the day.

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