Laser, Variuos Classes - Sail Sydney - Sydney AUS - Day 3

Saturday, December 14, 2019   
 Laser, Variuos Classes  Sail Sydney  Sydney AUS  Day 3, Barnard USA still 3rd
Most classes have already concluded the Saturday races at the 2019 Sail Sydney Regatta this morning UTC. ----- After two races, Jeemin Ha KOR (ranks 1/2) replaced Matthew Wearn AUS on top of the Lasers Standard. Chris Barnard USA remains on rank 3, but with a 9 point backlog, he is out of the fight for victory. ----- In the Lasers Radial, Karim Sofiane FRA stays on rank 1. ----- In addition to the Olympic Classes, the Youth Classes had their first races today. ----- All ranking lists.

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