iQ-Foil - Youth European Championship 2023 - Torbole ITA - Final results

Sunday, July 9, 2023   
The Medal Races yesterday marked the end of the European Junior Olympic Windsurfing Championships on Lake Garda. The own format - "the-winner-takes-all" - in the final of the best 4 caused a change of leaders in three of the four classes: Kristyna Pinosova CZE pushed Carla Colasanto ITA out of first place in the U19 women's class. 15-year-old Medea Falcioni ITA won the U17 women's class. In the mens U19 ranking, Harry Joyner AUS, who had been leading the whole week, had to let Federico Pilloni ITA pass him in the Medal Race. In the U17 classification Peleg Rajuan ISR pushed Kylian Manhaval FRA, who had the same number of points, out of first place. All rankings and the event website.

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